Boost Your Plants with Natural Fertilizers


Alex Grid

Natural fertilizers are made of many things. Horse manure, turkey manure, bird droppings and worm “casings” are good natural fertilizers. Many natural fertilizers contain the similar nutrients as unnaturally produced fertilizers. Some natural fertilizers contain much more synthetic fertilizers or some natural fertilizers contain different types of plant-boosting elements. If you are currently using synthetic fertilizers, here are some reasons to change to natural fertilizer.

1) Natural fertilizer is made from plant and animal parts. Natural fertilizer is not made from a chemical reaction. Chemical reaction is used to artificially produce synthetic fertilizers; this synthetic fertilizer uses a large quantity of energy-mostly from carbon-producing fossil fuels.

2) The Natural fertilizers contain less active ingredient as compare to synthetic fertilizers, making it less likely that gardeners will over-apply and reason nutrients to filter into groundwater. The active ingredients in natural fertilizers are beneficial for plants and groundwater. This active ingredient is reducing the risk of polluting groundwater.


3) Seaweed fertilizer is known as natural fertilizer. Seaweed fertilizer contains many micro-nutrients. These micro-nutrients are very good for plant growth. Synthetic fertilizer formulas do not contain these micro-nutrients. These Micro-Nutrients are mixture of calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, boron and molybdenum. These micro-nutrients are just as important to plant growth as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.

4) The Natural fertilizers are not salts like synthetic fertilizers. The Natural fertilizers are not burn your plants if you apply natural fertilizers on them by mistake. Synthetic fertilizers are very harmful for your plants. Applying synthetic fertilizers can reason plant stress if the plants have experienced a dry spell and are under stress. Natural fertilizers will not cause the plants stress.

5) The Natural fertilizers are made from renewal resources. Especially the seaweed based natural fertilizer is made from renewal resources. On other hand synthetic fertilizers are produced in laboratory. The energy used to create them is not generally from renewable sources.

6) Most common type of natural fertilizer in a liquid form is fish emulsion. This is made from finely ground fish parts. This natural fertilizer is very rich in the elements that help plants to grow. It includes several beneficial elements like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and boron. These elements are very beneficial for plants.

7) Crab shells are significant source of natural fertilizer. This type of fertilizer is different from fish or seaweed extracts. It is applied in a dry form. Fertilizer made from crab shells has the added benefit of effectively controlling garden pests.

8) Home gardeners give favor to natural fertilizers. Natural fertilizers are completely natural; they bring no risks of environmental pollution. Natural fertilizers have no side-effects and natural fertilizers perform better than synthetic fertilizers.

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