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By Bradlley Mckoy
Humans are the most sociable of all the world’s creatures. People cultivate friendships, build relationships, and make families. Social networking is not just an activity, but rather, it’s a characteristic inherent in every human being. Indeed, no man is an island and no man can stand alone.
Dealing with other people, however, is never as easy it seems. There’s appropriate etiquette to be practiced, proper decorum to be observed. Without these, human relationships are fragile and can easily fall apart.
Getting To Know You
In essence, meeting people is easy enough. By approaching a person, starting a conversation, and taking out a card from your card case, you’re already making a new acquaintance who could possibly become a good friend.
In this day and age, however, it isn’t so easy anymore. People have become jaded, paranoid, and distrustful. It’s easy to become wary when a stranger sits with you and strikes a conversation. Even if you do manage to overcome that initial uncertainty and have a relatively good conversation, you’re still likely to keep your card case in your bag. After all, you’ll never know if you just opened your card case and gave your business card to a serial killer until after you’re chopped up into tiny pieces. Furthermore, even if you do decide to take a card from your card case, that person might not even keep in touch.
You’ll also find that certain etiquettes need to be followed when making new friends. For example, your handshake must be firm for you to be taken seriously. You have to keep your hands to yourself at all times for fear of sexual harassment. Body language has to be kept neutral. By appearing too expressive or too stiff, you stand a chance of turning off your new acquaintance. You even have to watch how you take out your card case and your business card. Indeed, these are troubled times we live in and people just can’t help but be suspicious at all times.
Moving Forward
Once you’ve successfully hurdled the initial test of making a new acquaintance, it’s time to make a friend. Normally, it should be smooth sailing from this point forward.
However, it has become increasingly difficult of late. People have developed colder exteriors and have built walls around themselves that are difficult to penetrate, and understandably so. More and more people have been taken advantage of by so-called friends, lovers, and even family members. It’s only logical to be very careful of who you choose to trust.
And in order to be trusted and to be given a chance at real friendship, you have to break the barriers of suspicion and rightfully earn someone’s trust. Watch your language at all times. Being vulgar and offensive won’t win you a friend. Know your boundaries and keep to them at all times. Most of all, don’t come on too strong, or else you’ll risk driving people away.
Indeed, getting close has become more of a test, rather than a natural occurrence. But then, by behaving yourself and knowing your place, not only will you be expanding your social network. You’ll be making friends.
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