First-aid in its literary sense means the initial care or ailment givenfor an illness or injury. This is the necessary and primary treatmentimparted to the injured persons in case of emergency. These treatmentsare not generally given by experts or professionals like doctors butrather these are given by general people who have some basic skills andknowledge about the First-Aid. That is why in our schools we are givensome very basic trainings on First-Aid which can be needed in day today life. Though this has some very simple processes and techniques butsome of the techniques might also be life-saving such as the techniqueof artificial respiration when somebody is saved from drowning. Likethis, there are several other very simple but very crucial techniquestowards First-Aid.Though this First-Aidis mainly used in a very simple and unprofessional manner but if sometraining is provided regarding this then it may be used to save a lotof life in a lot of situations where calling a doctor would take sometime. Therefore we may have a glimpse of the training centers whoimparts the knowledge about safety through First-Aid and Nursing.1.NMA Training:TheNMA training and coaching institute provide two different branches oftraining and coaching. This is generally related to first-aid but theyalso provide training and coaching on Food safety and fire safety also.This also leads a branch called NMA 4 schools which imparts First-Aidknowledge to the school students as they visit different schools. NMATraining solutions:The NMA training solution is an institutewhich provides quality training for nursing and prepares them foroverseas employment, especially Australia. NMA refresher can also bementioned here who provides quality nursing training and have differentcertificate courses for it. It is one of the leading institutes to provide nursing training for years at a stretch.2.CIEH Training:CIEHor Chartered Institute of environmental Health is one of The UKsleading institutes to provide a vocational qualification in accreditedFood safety , Safety and Environmental protection qualification. It isa registered body which gives qualification for Environmental health.It not only gives qualifications but it also accredits courses and setsstandards and qualifications for the education that practices theEnvironmental Health. It also provides the necessary information andadvices to the government regarding environmental health standards andalso provides practitioners to particular areas. In one word it workswith the government in restoring the Environmental health.Peoplewho go out into the field and administer first aid as medics tend to alot of people. While we may not be as great as they do it what littlewe do can go a long way in helping a lot of people. Also helping peoplein cases like blocked tracheas with chest presses can prevent them fromasphyxiating. Do not forget a little bit of awareness can help you anda number of lives.